The role of social media in the country's defense capability

  • Олександр Валентинович Карандін postgraduate student, Department of Marketing, Odessа Polytechnic National University


The aim of the article. Analyzing the impact of social media on defense capability, the article aims to determine their role in ensuring information security, maintaining morale and using them in crisis situations.

The results of the analyses. The results of the analyses reveal three key aspects of the role of social media in enhancing a country's defense capabilities. Fostering moral spirit and societal unity: the research underscores the significant role of social media in bolstering the moral spirit of the population and fostering societal unity. Through various mechanisms, these platforms have been found to positively influence public sentiment, creating a sense of collective identity and shared values. Ensuring information security via social media: an essential finding is the crucial contribution of social media to ensuring information security. The analyses indicate that these platforms serve as strategic instruments for disseminating accurate information, countering disinformation, and enhancing the overall cybersecurity posture of the nation. Using social media for crisis response: the research identifies the instrumental role of social media in effectively responding to crisis situations. By leveraging these platforms, authorities can promptly disseminate crucial information to the public, coordinate emergency responses, and mobilize support, showcasing the invaluable utility of social media in crisis management and response efforts.

Conclusions and direction for further research. It was determined that social media are becoming not only a means of communication, but also a strategic tool for ensuring information security. The growth of threats and risks requires the development and implementation of new strategies to protect against cyber attacks, disinformation and other threats originating from social media. The research showed that the use of social media can effectively support the morale of the society and the unity of the nation. The formation of a positive image of the defense forces through these platforms affects the formation of patriotic attitudes and readiness to defend the country. The role of social media in crisis response is also extremely important. With the help of these platforms, it is possible to quickly inform the public and coordinate assistance in emergency situations. All of this indicates that social media are becoming not only a platform for communication, but also a strategic tool for strengthening the defense capabilities of countries in the new realities of global security. Further exploration in this domain could involve a detailed examination of specific case studies where social media played a pivotal role in shaping a country's defense narrative. Analyzing instances of successful utilization of social media platforms during crises and conflicts can provide valuable insights for policymakers and defense strategists. Additionally, investigating the potential vulnerabilities and risks associated with the extensive use of social media in defense contexts is crucial to develop robust frameworks that safeguard national security in an evolving digital landscape. Moreover, further research endeavors could involve a detailed examination of specific case studies where social media played a pivotal role in shaping a country's defense narrative. Analyzing instances of successful utilization of social media platforms during crises and conflicts can provide valuable insights for policymakers and defense strategists. Additionally, investigating the potential vulnerabilities and risks associated with the extensive use of social media in defense contexts is crucial to develop robust frameworks that safeguard national security in an evolving digital landscape. Furthermore, studying the effectiveness of different strategies in using social media for defense purposes, including analyzing public reactions to information disseminated on military social networks and platforms, could be a fruitful avenue for future research.

Keywords: social media, defense capability, information security, crisis situations, patriotic sentiments, geopolitical situation.

DOI: 10.15276/mdt.7.4.2023.7

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How to Cite
КАРАНДІН, Олександр Валентинович. The role of social media in the country's defense capability. MARKETING AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 4, p. 106-116, dec. 2023. ISSN 2523-434X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 may 2024.