Communicative competences of business negotiations under the digitalization conditions

  • Анна Юріївна Стренковська Ph.D, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing Odessа Polytechnic National University (Odessа, Ukraine).


The results of the analyses. The academic community pays considerable attention to the study of communication patterns in the negotiations process. Negotiation is the process of effective interpersonal communication, it is the use of communication abilities and negotiation skills. The important component of negotiations is interpersonal communication between the two parties. The communicative competence of the participants in the negotiations largely determines the success of their holding. Under the conditions of digitalization, a new form of etiquette culture – digital etiquette, which defines the rules and specifics of behavioral culture on digital platforms within the framework of all the interaction levels, gets a special degree of importance. Digital etiquette is extremely democratic (because its modern rules are quite easy, equally accessible to everyone), and not dogmatic (because it provides the opportunities for choice and creative solutions under unexpected and non-standard conditions). The approach to the generalization of communicative competences for business negotiations, both online and offline, is proposed, taking into account cultural and national characteristics of the participants in the negotiation process and digital etiquette.

Conclusions and perspectives for further research. The leading scientists have made many interesting achievements, both in the theoretical and in the practical plane of business negotiation issue. The majority of them is focused on the negotiators’ communicative competence. In accordance with the development specifics of modern society and the active implementation of digital processes at all the levels of business communication. Communicative competences, which are the set of skills and abilities based on the system of business etiquette rules (both offline and online platforms), digital etiquette, cultural and national characteristics of negotiators and their types are getting special power. The article proposes the approach to the generalization of the communicative competence set for business negotiations under the conditions of digitalization, taking into account the cultural characteristics of the participants in the negotiation process and digital etiquette.

In further developments, it is planned to modernize the theoretical base of communicative competences for business negotiation under the conditions of digitalization and to propose a new strategy for their implementation in the negotiation process.

DOI: 10.15276/mdt.6.3.2022.8

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How to Cite
СТРЕНКОВСЬКА, Анна Юріївна. Communicative competences of business negotiations under the digitalization conditions. MARKETING AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 80-89, sep. 2022. ISSN 2523-434X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 may 2024.