Information support of marketing activities of industrial enterprises and its efficiency

  • Володимир Петрович Пилипчук PhD (Economics), Prof., Professor Department of Marketing «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman» (Kyiv, Ukraine).


The aim of the article. The purpose of the article is to determine the key indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of the marketing information system of industrial enterprises.

The results of the analyses. The effective organization of the work of the marketing information system expands the possibilities of marketing activities due to the ability to accumulate and quickly process information. Such improvement can significantly improve the quality of strategic decisions and rationalize the processes of development of the marketing complex. Areas of improvement are: systems of analytical processing and detection of regularities; data organization and management systems; processing of large amounts of information; access to necessary sources of information; working with the necessary information formats; quick collection and processing of information; influence on the profitability of the enterprise, determination of a set of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of the marketing information system.

Conclusions and direction for further research. In order to make balanced marketing decisions, it is necessary to have information about existing practical experience in solving problems similar to one's own, as well as by what methods they are implemented. This is achieved by applying a benchmarking approach. At the same time, the management of the company should take into account that their own experience is studied, researched and analyzed through communication links. Due to such interaction, the level of substantiation of management decisions increases, and thus the competitiveness of the enterprise itself. In the modern practice of building marketing information systems, the prevailing principle is that first all the necessary marketing information is covered, and then the information necessary for managers of a certain level of management is accumulated from it. Modern information technologies, using the capabilities of global information networks (Internet, Bitnet, DECnet and others) allow marketing departments to receive relevant information in a timely manner and in the necessary volumes.

Key words: marketing, information support, marketing solutions, efficiency, marketing information system.

DOI: 10.15276/mdt.8.1.2023.11

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How to Cite
ПИЛИПЧУК, Володимир Петрович. Information support of marketing activities of industrial enterprises and its efficiency. MARKETING AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 140-148, mar. 2023. ISSN 2523-434X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 may 2024.