Theoretical and methodological principles of evaluating the market value of intellectual property objects

  • Петро Григорович Перерва National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • Марія Володимирівна Маслак Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»


The purpose of the article. The purpose of this study is the formation of scientific and methodological provisions and practical recommendations for determining organizational and economic dominants, which become one of the main driving forces for ensuring the effective assessment of the market value of intellectual technologies.

Analyses results. Theoretical and methodological issues of valuation of intellectual property objects are considered. The fundamental principles of IP valuation have been formed and substantiated, which are closely correlated with the accuracy and objectivity of the assessment. For a better understanding of the significance and scope of use of the principles proposed for practical use, their totality is divided into three characteristic groups: the principles of observing the interests of the right holder of intellectual technology, observing the interests of the consumer, observing the laws of the market economy. Two basic components of the value assessment of an intellectual product have been determined - analytical and calculation - a competent combination of which allows to form a scientifically based assessment result. It has been proven that, in addition to the market value, other values of the value of the object of intellectual property are used in scientific circulation: investment, insurance, collateral, installation, investment, and so on. The structure of the life cycle of an intellectual property object is proposed, which includes six stages. The economic characteristics of each stage of the life cycle are provided.  The definition of each type of value was formed and the dependence of their value on the stage of the life cycle of the intellectual product, the value of which is estimated, was proved. With the use of the collective expert assessment procedure, specific quantitative results of calculations of various types of value at the stages of the life cycle of an intellectual product were obtained, which are based on the ratio of the market value of the intellectual product and other types of intellectual property value. Practical recommendations are provided on the possibilities of using the developed methodological recommendations to determine the prospects of possible consumption of an intellectual product at each stage of its life cycle.

Conclusions and directions for further research. The conducted research allows to evaluate the methodological and scientific-theoretical essence of intellectual property valuation from new positions. The assessment of the value of intellectual technologies, taking into account the stage of their life cycle, is a necessary condition for effective commercialization, that is, their introduction into the process of market commercialization (buying and selling) or use in one's own production and economic activity with the aim of increasing its efficiency. It should be noted that the issues of estimating the value of intellectual property objects and their commercialization are quite complex and require further research to form their reliable methodological and methodical base.  Most of the proposals presented in the article are extraordinary, they are proposed for the first time and require further processing, clarification and development, especially in the practical aspect. Therefore, the authors associate the prospects of further research with the systematization of the conducted research, a more detailed consideration of factors, their connection with the industry (economic sphere) of basic use and the further development of conceptual provisions, which are only initially indicated by the authors in this article.

Keywords: intellectual property, life cycle, valuation, ratio, efficiency, industrial enterprises.

DOI: 10.15276/mdt.7.2.2023.5

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How to Cite
ПЕРЕРВА, Петро Григорович; МАСЛАК, Марія Володимирівна. Theoretical and methodological principles of evaluating the market value of intellectual property objects. MARKETING AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 56-73, june 2023. ISSN 2523-434X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 may 2024.