State and trends of modern marketing research: a bibliometric review

  • Ірина Володимирівна Жалінська PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Business and Marketing technologies, State University “Zhytomyr Polytechnic”


The aim of the article. The paper outlines the current state of scientific research in the field of marketing and the priority trends of its development based on the bibliometric analysis of a domestic scientific journal “Marketing and digital technologies” dedicated to modern marketing research related to digitalization processes.

The results of the analyses. The journal has a pronounced thematic orientation and is characterized by a high level of scientific research, which is confirmed by the scientific qualifications of researchers, the involvement of publications by foreign scientists, and the growing ranking of article citations according to Google Scholar. Overall, this makes it possible to identify the Journal’s publications as a relevant information base for outlining modern directions of marketing research in Ukraine. According to the results of the analysis of the articles, it has been determined that domestic research on changes in marketing under the influence of digital technologies and the Internet is gradually developing and differs in a rather wide range of research: from theoretical foundations to specific narrowly focused issues. Based on the systematization of the content of the journal articles, the main thematic areas of research have been highlighted and the latest current trends have been identified. A significant part of publications is devoted to the application of digital marketing tools and technologies in marketing communications (promotion). At the same time, researchers pay the greatest attention to various aspects of marketing in social networks (SMM - Social Media Marketing) both in terms of studying its effectiveness, main indicators, and individual types of activities or markets, and certain social networks, for example, Facebook, and Instagram. Recent trends include an increase in the number of publications on marketing analytics (the main number of publications has been observed in 2021). In particular, the issues of using artificial intelligence in marketing analysis, CRM systems, and metrics in digital marketing are being investigated. Review articles on modern trends in marketing development are also a topical area. Quite significant publication activity is observed in the following directions: a comprehensive market study in the marketing system, including Marketing research; business models, digital economy; other areas of research in marketing and general economic issues. A certain "dispersion" of domestic scientific intelligence in the field of marketing and their general nature is partially evidenced by the analysis of the frequency of keywords usage in publications by year and the ranking of the most cited articles of the Journal in Google Scholar.

Conclusions and perspectives for further research. Therefore, the current state of domestic scientific developments has been characterized as being in the formative stage. The research of marketing communications under the influence of digital technologies, as well as the gradual growth of the interest of scientists in marketing analytics, have been defined as topical directions. Trends in the development of marketing research are seen in the further development of the possibilities of using digital technologies and the changes they cause in both the theoretical and practical foundations of marketing activity. For instance, in our opinion, the issue of the management aspect under the transformation conditions of the enterprises’ marketing activities remains insufficiently studied.

Keywords: bibliometric analysis, scientific journal, marketing, digital technologies, research directions

DOI: 10.15276/mdt.7.1.2023.2

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How to Cite
ЖАЛІНСЬКА, Ірина Володимирівна. State and trends of modern marketing research: a bibliometric review. MARKETING AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 29-42, mar. 2023. ISSN 2523-434X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 may 2024.